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cliopatria swi prolog org

  1. ClioPatria: the SWI-Prolog RDF toolkit

    ClioPatria is a SWI-Prolog application that integrates SWI-Prologs the SWI-Prolog libraries for RDF and HTTP services into a ready to use (semantic) web

  2. ClioPatria: the SWI-Prolog Semantic Web Server

    SWI-Prolog offers an extensive library for loading, saving and querying Semantic Web documents called the semweb package.

  3. Why is ClioPatria based on Prolog?

    ClioPatria is a (SWI-)Prolog hosted HTTP application-server with libraries for Semantic Web reasoning and a set of JavaScript libraries for presenting

  4. RDF Applications with Prolog First Steps with SWI-Prologs RDF Tools

    SWI-Prolog comes bundled with several modules for parsing RDF/XML and manipulating the result at various levels of detail and convenience. Assuming you have a SWI-Prolog 5.8.x installation running, you can load the bundled modules by typing at the "command", (i.e., query), prompt

  5. Downloading ClioPatria Step two, get SWI-Prolog

    Step two, get SWI-Prolog. Download and install SWI-Prolog. Most of the time, the development version of SWI-Prolog is your safest choice to enjoy all features. In particular, binary packages provided by most Linux distributions are often too far behind. We advice to install the latest development version...


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